OPM Releases Reminder of Updated Beneficiary Designation Form 

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued a reminder this month that all federal employees, retiring employees, and retirees are required to use the updated “Designation of Beneficiary” form (SF 3102). 

The updated form grants the named beneficiary to receive any lump-sum annuity benefit which may become payable under one of the two federal employee retirement programs (CSRS & FERS). 

“The updated SF 3102 is to be used by employees and retirees covered under both the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS),” OPM wrote. 

“All employees, retiring employees, and retirees should use this form to name and/or update their beneficiaries under CSRS and FERS.” 

The form was last updated in October 2022. Prior to that official update, designating such beneficiaries was divided into two forms. SF 2808 (CSRS) and SF 3102 (FERS) are now consolidated into one designation form. 

OPM has stated that it is aware of the fact that pending retirement application packages may contain previous versions of the SF 2808 (CSRS) and SF 3102 (FERS). OPM will accept valid (if properly completed) previous versions of the SF 2808 and SF 3102 until April 30, 2023. 

Please note that properly completed designations for federal employees and retirees are not valid unless they are received before the death of the designator. 

OPM also stated: 

“This Designation of Beneficiary Form is used to designate who is to receive a lump-sum payment which may become payable under CSRS or FERS. It does not affect the right of any person who is eligible for survivor benefits. This form may not be used and will not be effective in any way to elect, or demonstrate the intent to elect, a survivor annuity for a spouse, former spouse, or an individual who has an insurable interest in an employee. Do not confuse this form with designation forms used for other types of benefits: Standard Form 2823, Designation of Beneficiary – Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program; TSP-3, Thrift Savings Plan Designation of Beneficiary; or Standard Form 1152, Designation of Beneficiary – Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee. This form is for employees and retirees under CSRS and FERS.” 

Additional notes include: 

— If a form is invalid (e.g., missing signatures, shares don’t add up to 100%, scratch-outs or cross-outs, etc.), OPM will send a notice for a new SF 3102 to be completed by the annuitant. 

— Acceptance of previously certified SF 3102s – if valid, previous versions of the SF 3102 that have been certified on or before April 30, 2023, are acceptable designations. For example, a FERS employee hired in 2011 who completed a SF 3102 and then had the form certified by their agency in 2011, are not required to complete a new SF 3102 assuming they do not want to alter their designation. 


The Updated Designation Form can be found here. 

More retirement information can be found on OPM.gov. 


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